Cycling Safely During Covid-19

Cycling Safely During Covid-19

The evaluation of E-bikes Reading Cycling Safely During Covid-19 2 minutes Next Easter gift tips

Getting out there - for better or worse - is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. It can not onlyboost your health but also help boost your mood and relieve stress. Therefore, taking your Troxus products go outside to breath the smell of spring!

With that in mind, it's no surprise that people around the world are turning to e-bikes to help them cope with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. If this applies to you, we wanted to provide some common sense steps to ensure your safety on the road.

Covid-19 Cycling Tips

  • If you feel sick, stay home. It's not worth the risk of infecting others. When you feel better, your route will still be there. Before you start riding, make sure you understand the guidelines for outdoor activities set by your county health officials. Some areas may have different rules than others, and it's important to follow public health protocols. After all, we're all in this together.
  • If you're likely to encounter crowds while traveling, it's wise to wear a mask. You should also take one with you in case you make an unexpected stop on your way home. Just be sure to choose a mask made of breathable material and avoid riding in extreme heat. With a mask on, you'll naturally get a little hotter, and you want to avoid overheating.
  • The Centers for Disease Control recommends that you keep at least 6 feet of distance between you and others. This should also apply to bike trails. When you do have to pass, make sure you do so as soon as possible.
  • Since coronavirus is spread by airborne droplets, such as saliva, you may want to consider being more courteous to your fellow travelers by using bells to indicate your approach rather than voice warnings.
  • Plan ahead and look for less popular routes, or go when you know there are fewer people.
  • Make sure you carry enough water to complete the entire ride. Many parks have cut off restrooms and water fountains, and you don't want to get caught high and dry.